Friday, June 13, 2014


I answered my phone in Moose's kitchen.

"Hey, you," I drunkenly slurred. Justin never called me, so I didn't know what to make of an unexpected phone call.

"Hey, yourself," Justin replied. "Why aren't you answering my text messages?"

I took the phone away from my ear and opened up my messages.

"I don't have any," I responded when I put my phone back to my ear.

"I sent you a bunch," Justin snapped back. I sensed an attitude, but the beer had me feeling happy so I ignored it.

"Well, what'd they say?"

"I wanted to know what you were up to."

"I'm at a friend's house," I replied as I traced my finger along Moose's granite table top. "I could use a ride home in about an hour."

"Well, I'm free now," Justin responded. Okay, there was definitely an attitude that time.

"Okay, mister grouchy," I joked. Before I even had time to continue, Justin cut me off.

"Can I come to your friend's house?" he asked. I remained silent for a second. I could hear the commotion outside along with a loud splash. Somebody either jumped or was pushed into Moose's pool and I was extremely curious.

"Hello..." Justin went on. I hadn't even been quiet four seconds. I wasn't letting this B kill my vibe.

"Sorry, Justin, I don't think I'm free tonight," I said back. He let out a loud huff through the phone.

"Wow, okay," he said back. "I guess you don't want the best orgasm of your life."

I rolled my eyes, not that he could see. I liked having sex with Justin, the one time, but I would hardly say it was the 'orgasm of my life.' Even if it was, how dare he throw the absence of sex in my face! I was the female, after all.

"Justin, I have to go," I said in a stern voice, completely ignoring his orgasm comment.

"Ok, whatever," he responded. Wow, one night and already two 'whatevers.' I was on my way to a hat trick! For some reason, I actually began to feel a little bad and figured I should try to salvage the night in some way. As I opened my mouth to talk this out with him, I suddenly realized he was no longer on the other line. Rude.

I walked outside and found that Anna was the one who jumped in the pool. She had worn a tank top and denim shorts to the party, which she was still fully wearing when I began hysterically laughing at the sight of her in the pool. I still don't really know what motivated her to jump in, but when Moose and I made awkward eye contact, we just started laughing. It was like the conversation in his house never happened.

Moose walked over and jabbed me in the arm. "Ready to win, buddy?"

"Of course," I said back.

And for the record, we did win. Team 'Sexual Tension' takes home first place!


  1. hm. I'd be dumping the controlling dick tool asap. Just sayin.

    love the blog :)

  2. Love your blog! And yes get rid of Justin ASAP, he seems so clingy!
    Check out my blog if you've got time :)

  3. Justin is anything but clingy. He's cocky and thinks she's going to jump any time he calls for a booty call. He has no tolerance for anything else

  4. Justin was a jerk but he thinks that Caroline only wants sex. I wish these posts had more substance and length. Hard to get into a story when the posts are so short and lacking.

  5. Justin just seems weird.

    But, I think Moose has some serious potential to be a total sweetheart. GO FOR MOOSE! He's annoying that he gets upset all the time, but it's from a place of love... I think??

  6. Love Moose!
    Check out my new blog

  7. Justin seems like a jerk. Hope Caroline finds something better for herself, even if she's just having fun!
