Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Coffee Shop Tension

"I swear, he was so hot that I contemplated tapping him with my car just so we'd have to engage in some sort of chat," Jessica said as she rolled her eyes at her own story.

"Jess!" Darlene said after hot chocolate nearly came out of her nose.

"I know!" Jessica said back. "I only said I thought about it. I wasn't seriously considering it." Jessica looked down and smiled. As she began to play with her biscotti, her smile faded.

Over the past couple months, Jessica had met a lot of guys. It always went the same way, though. She'd meet a guy, he'd seem super interested in her, a couple weeks would pass, and out of nowhere, he'd start acting like a complete douche lord. I felt like every time it happened, she felt more and more deflated. These were the types of events that would lead her back into the arms of Josh, although from what I understand, they haven't been in contact in months.

Anna quickly interjected. "Why didn't you just talk to him?" she asked in an almost exasperated voice. "What's honestly the worst that could've happened if you just asked him what he was drinking or where he was headed so early?"

Jessica had just told us about her morning at a Dunkin Donuts a few days earlier. A cute guy in a black polo and dress pants was waiting for his drink alongside Jessica. She didn't have the nerve to talk to him, but regretted it as she saw him from her car in the parking lot.

The four of us were discussing this on a particularly cold night as we sipped hot chocolates and nibbled on various treats. We were enclosed in a coffee shop that was decorated like a haunted house all year long. The drinks were really delicious and they always shook it up with different, seasonal concoctions. I have to say, it's not worth the forty-five minute wait though. Stupid hype.

Jessica gave Anna a cold, stern look. Anna probably didn't even notice, because as soon as she made her comment, she returned to sipping her drink and texting on her phone. I could see the back and forth of green and gray text bubbles. I assumed she was texting her newest fling, but I wasn't sure if it was the guy she met on Tinder or the new boy's basketball coach at her school. If it sounds like I have judgement in my voice, I can promise you there's none. It's just hard to keep track, but I'm glad she's enjoying herself!

I can't say Darlene and Jessica feel exactly the same way. I noticed that their feelings on Anna were matching the temperature outside the past few weeks: cold and frustrating. I felt like the group dynamic was definitely growing more and more passive aggressive as the days went on.

One of my biggest pet peeves is passive aggressive people. When people have to make non direct comments instead of just saying what's on their minds, I get kind of frustrated. Have you ever tried to call out someone for making passive aggressive comments? That's the worst part! Jessica can be the queen of passive aggressive comments. One time she made a remark regarding my first boyfriend, Mike, because after we tailgated for a football game, Mike left the leftover burgers and chicken in his trunk and they went bad. She had paid for the food (but Mike drove, paid for tolls, and the parking pass!) so when she asked for it a week later and I told her it went bad, she made some sort of snippy comment about it (I can't even remember what it was now). I innocently asked her if she wanted me to replace the food and she responded, "No! It's totally fine." Meanwhile, Darlene told me later on that she bitched about it to her over sushi. I think that's why passive aggressive people tick me off so much. I try to be good to my friends, but I acknowledge that I'm not perfect (just pretty freaking close) and if I do something that bothers a friend, I'd rather they tell me than resent me. Plus, if you're going to make a passive aggressive comment and then deny that the comment had negative intentions, don't make the comment!

ANYWAY, Darlene and Jessica had been super passive aggressive towards Anna. While Anna could be inconsiderate, I truly didn't believe it was intentional. Anna is always looking out for number one and doing whatever the fuck she wants. I have to say I kind of admire that. I'm sure Anna wasn't naive at the looks and comments Darlene and Jessica had been throwing her way, but she didn't show any annoyance from it.

After what felt like eternity, Jessica responded to Anna's comments. "I'm sorry we're not all like you, Anna. We don't all just hit on every attractive guy we encounter in the world." See? Super passive aggressive, right?

"I'm just saying," Anna said, still looking down at her phone, which I have to admit is kind of annoying. "If you don't try, you're never going to know what could have been!"

"She has a point," I quietly interjected, giving Jessica sympathetic eyes. I was trying really hard to play Switzerland the past few weeks.

It was times like this when I wondered how I ended up with such petty friends. I felt like I was living in a much less glamorous Real Housewives season, where the outfits were almost never designer and the guys were average looking. Sometimes, I felt like it must be something about me. Can I be like them but just not see it? Do I attract this sort of drama? Or is it just a matter of letting go of childhood friends that maybe I'm outgrowing?

As we left the coffee shop a little while later, snow was falling. I couldn't wait for this winter to end.


  1. Welcome Back! I have always enjoyed your blog.

  2. Yay!!!! Good intro to welcome back the girls!!

  3. Ohhh, this should get interesting!! :-)

    So glad to have you and your blog back!

  4. Yay! Welcome back, this is a perfect excuse for me to spend excessive amounts of time back-reading your older posts! Can't wait to get back into this story

  5. Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments :) You make me feel so good!

  6. So glad you're back! Can't wait to read your next post :)

  7. Yay!!! You've been missed! mum
