Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Room to Breathe

I plopped into the car seat and let out a heavy sigh.

"Long day?" asked Darlene with a smirk.

"Long semester," I responded as I put my head between my knees.

It truly had been. I went to school three nights a week, which wasn't too bad, but on top of a full time job it took its toll on me. The classes required a lot of readings and papers. After handing in my final paper last week, all I wanted to do was lay in my bed for days without moving.

But, I refrained. I forced myself to throw on some leggings and a long t-shirt to go with Darlene to The Shop. The Shop is a small, hole-in-the-wall bar across town. Nobody's ever really in there besides some regulars, but they serve popcorn and I never have to worry about dressing to impress there. I felt bad because I hadn't seen my friends too much over the past few weeks, so after Darlene prodded me for days, I finally agreed to go out with her.

"So what's new?" asked Darlene as she drove away from my house.

I lifted my head up and remained silent for a moment before answering. "Literally nothing," I replied. I mean, school and work kept me busy but it hadn't exactly been exciting. My love life was non existent. Mike and I hadn't talked since the coffee shop, even though I often found myself opening up a new text message to him with my fingers lingering over the keyboard. We couldn't talk, though. We both knew it was too hard. Maybe if I had time to go out or something I'd be able to meet someone new. Summer time, bring me a fling!

"What about you guys?"

"You know, same old" Darlene began with a shrug. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Wow, had things really been that boring the past few weeks?

We arrived at the bar and ordered a pitcher of beer. She started to tell me about Anna's new coaching gig and how Jessica met some guy at school.

"He's a total frat guy," Darlene said while pouring us each a glass of beer. "He's 21 and on the baseball team. I don't know what she expects to come from this."

I nodded and took a sip of my drink. It was so comfortable at The Shop. My friends would hang out here because we didn't have to worry about crowds or waiting for drinks. There was a pool table and darts for the guys. I looked around and admired the familiar, grungy scenery. Suddenly, a tall, cute guy walked through the door alone and sat down at the bar. He ordered a drink and took out his phone. Before looking down, he caught my eye and charmingly smiled at me. I smiled back.

Darlene and I had planned to have one pitcher, catch up, and be home by ten. That was the plan, until we met Justin.


  1. I'm so glad you are back. I hope you are feeling better. :)

  2. Welcome back:) Hope all is well.

  3. Finally back, that's awesome!

  4. I see all the chick lit bloggers are writing one day, gone the next. I get it though, we're all busy. I don't have a post schedule, I write when I have time. Sometimes four in a week, sometimes none. This is one I hope to see continue, it's not bad.

    Not chick lit
