Friday, September 5, 2014

School Day Dreaming

"Where did I put my keys?" I said out loud to myself around 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. If I didn't find them soon, I would definitely be late for my meeting with the professor I'd be assisting this Fall. After another five minutes of panic searching, I found them on top of my freezer. Why did I always have a craving for frozen pizzas as soon as I got home from work?

I parked my car with a minute to spare. After grabbing my big Longchamp bag from the back seat, I was on my way to Dr. O’Conner's office.

While I sat with Dr. O'Conner, he talked to me about all my new responsibilities. I was excited, but also nervous. In order to graduate in May, I needed to take four classes on top of my assistantship. I mentally tried to figure out how to cut my hours down at the pharmacy so I could put my time into my schooling.

"I'm going to put some interviews on this flash drive for you to transcribe," Dr. O'Conner said.

"Great," I said with a smile as I waited for him to put the clips onto my zip drive. I knew I would have to work on these over the weekend. Major bummer.

As he fiddled around with his computer, I checked the time. I had just enough time to grab pizza from the cafeteria before heading to class at 6. The semester had barely started and my head was already spinning.

I said goodbye to Dr. O'Conner and made my way across campus. As I looked around at the beautiful campus, my mind wandered to Justin. The way he acted at Anna's barbecue still had me confused. One one hand, Justin had every right to be suspicious when he first walked up to me with Moose. I'm sure it didn't look good. However, once I talked to him about it, he seemed fine with everything. He even joined me in the backyard. I'm not sure if I would have been that strong.

Sure, things were a little tense between us and Moose. Every time Justin went to grab a beer, I could see him purposely take a longer route to avoid Moose. Of course, Moose was even worse. His awkwardness truly peaked that night. I mean, how were they supposed to be friends now? Everything just seemed completely ruined.

Justin engaged with everybody else at the barbecue. He played beer pong with one of my other guy friends and they bonded over their fantasy football teams, while I talked to Anna's sister about her new relationship.

"We've talked about getting married, but I don't know if we actually will," she told me as she sipped her Merlot. I looked at her with a confused expression. "Well, because of our religious differences. How did you and Mike handle that?"

Anna's family is Greek Orthodox and Anna's sister, Kris, is dating a Jewish guy. I'm Christian and my ex-boyfriend, Mike, is Jewish so when we were dating, it was a minor topic of discussion.

I shrugged. "I don't know," I honestly replied. "We both agreed that we didn't need the other person to convert and if we had children, we'd figure out what was best for them when the time came."

She nodded before continuing to tell me about how her boyfriend wouldn't convert but she really wanted to get married in a Greek Orthodox church. I understood it was important to her, but I hoped she didn't ruin her relationship over it. As she vented a bit more, I looked over at Justin. He was still getting along great with everyone. When he caught me looking at him, he winked at me. Ugh, he really did make me melt.

I reluctantly said good night to Justin. I really wanted to have car sex with him, but I had to take Jessica home and I figured we had enough excitement for one night.

We had a pretty good night, overall. I thought about it a bit more as I opened the doors to the university's center. The pizza at my school is loaded with grease and fatty toppings, but sometimes you need that.

As I ate my pizza alone, my mind went from Anna's barbecue to brunch with my friends. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jessica said. We are so freaking young. I liked Justin but I felt like we needed to have a serious talk. Even when Justin wasn't actually accusing me of doing anything shady, sometimes I just felt like Justin didn't trust me overall. It was beginning to stress me out. I let out a sigh as I crumpled up my napkin. Maybe it was time to end things. I still wasn't sure.

I arrived to class about fifteen minutes early. My professor set all his books down and began passing out the syllabus. Of course we were going to have weekly reaction papers to the readings. I mentally rolled my eyes. This was another reason I wanted to have a talk with Justin. If he was so insecure during the summer when we could spend so much time together, how would he be when I started going to class almost every week night and spending my weekends buried in school work?

As my professor began talking about the final paper, he picked up his coffee cup to take a sip. He suddenly spilled a large portion on the front of his white button downed shirt. I almost let out a really loud laugh but I luckily suppressed it. He began frantically cleaning it up and I felt bad for him, but I also thought of the time I spilled coffee all over my white top when I was with Justin. He not only helped me clean it up, but he made me laugh at myself. That's what I need in my life. Somebody who will calm me down and make me laugh. Ugh, I am confused!


  1. Can Caroline be any more annoying? These last two posts have been disappointing in my opinion. I don't see what Justin did so wrong. Maybe Caroline just wants an excuse to break up with him. I'm tired of hearing so much about her friends and then a little fluff about her and Justin.

    1. I'm sorry that you felt disappointed. I wrote this post as a sort of catch up so people could get an idea of how Caroline is feeling and if anything, this particular post was mostly about her feelings on Justin, along with some fluff about other interactions she had at the barbecue. Justin hasn't done much wrong, which results in confused feelings and hard decisions!

      Thank you for your comment :)

  2. I actually enjoyed how this post was a lot of reflection for Caroline. However, she's been mulling over the whole Justin thing a lot lately. Hopefully she makes a choice about what to do with him soon.

    1. Thank you! I think she's been confused for a little longer than she should be and hopefully a solution is found soon.

  3. I'm a very jealous person. My husband and I both have rules for each other. I seriously understand jealousy. That said, if Justin is actually jealous, he's a moron. Even the bit he overheard would leave nothing to be jealous of. Eh, I haven't really seen a great connection between the two anyway.

    Signed, with a double whammy

    1. Yes, Justin was jealous from the very beginning before they even started dating so it may make one wonder what his deal is. We'll see how things go between them next week :)

  4. I think they do need to talk about his jealousy issues but to break up with him just over what your friends say is a little high school. She need to tell him about her concerns and about how busy she will be at school not just end it cause of what her friends think or because he shows some jealousy!

    1. I agree that talking it out is ideal, but she's not making any decisions based on what her friends said. Sorry if that was confusing! When Jessica described why she broke up with Josh, it just made her start to think. Her friends barely even know that she's having these doubts about Justin and they all like him! I just think she's confused about her feelings, so who knows if talking things out will help her feel very different. We'll have to see :)
