Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Caprese Sandwich

As the elevator doors closed, I was still wondering about Pete's weird comment. He could tell there was a guy? Had he been eavesdropping on me? Even if he had, I don't think I ever mentioned Scott in the office. Shelby asked me if I was single in what I like to call the 'getting to know you' period of our first couple lunches together.

The realization that I hadn't mentioned Scott to my very attractive new boss made me feel terrible for a moment. If Scott had a hot female boss, I would sure as Hell want her to know about me. By the time I reached the lobby, I was done with feeling bad, though. I was just about done with my first two weeks at this job and there really wasn't a whole lot of personal sharing going on in our few meetings. Everything was work related so it made sense for me not to mention Scott.

Besides, for whatever reason, Pete seemed to know about Scott now. As I rode the bus to my apartment, where I knew Scott was waiting, work was no longer on my mind.

When I opened the door, I saw Scott standing against my air conditioning unit with his shirt off.

"Look at my genius boyfriend," I teased. His entire back was red. "Did you think your Italian skin would protect you from Santa Monica's wrath?"

Scott let out a heavy sigh before he began to protest. "I was only on the beach for a few hours!"

I laughed. "Well, that sucks."

I ignored the sandwiches I saw sitting on my kitchen counter and walked straight toward Scott. Within seconds, I was kissing him with the same intensity as I had the night before. It didn't matter that I'd seen him a few hours before, because I still  felt a sense of urgency. I only had a couple of days before he had to fly back across the country.

We made our way to the bed within breaking our make out session. I guided him to sit on the edge of the bed as I positioned my legs over his lap.

"I've been thinking about this all day," I said as I slowly pulled up the bottom of my pencil skirt. As I lowered myself onto him, I could feel his excitement.

I began kissing him again and, without thinking, I gripped my hands into his back.

"Ow," he suddenly yelped, interrupting our kissing.

As I peered down at his pained facial expression, I had to suppress my urge to giggle. "Sorry," I innocently replied. "I forgot. I'll be gentle."

After doing my best not to irritate his sunburn while still doing all the things I wanted to do to him, I forced myself off the bed to grab our sandwiches before settling next to him.

"Yum," I immediately said after unwrapping my sandwich. "How did you know I was totally in the mood for caprese."

Scott laughed. "Well, I knew you'd have enough meat before we even got to the sandwiches." He winked at me before turning his attention back to his BLT.

After a few bites, he asked me how much time I had. "My boss told me not to rush," I casually replied.

"Oh? Why's that?" Scott asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe Friday has put him in a good mood." I changed the subject by asking Scott what he had done all day.

"Well," he began. "As you can probably guess, I spent a few hours at the beach. I figured we could do most of the real activities over the weekend while we're together."

"Yay!" I enthusiastically replied. "I can't wait." I gave him a quick kiss and had to suppress the urge to jump his bones again. Even though Pete had told me to take two hours, I figured it'd be safer to head back before that. So, I just cuddled up next to Scott and we talked for a bit more. Then, he took the bus with me back to work before heading off on his own again.

I walked into work and immediately went to my cubicle to continue working. My goal was to avoid Pete for the rest of the day so that there wasn't any more awkwardness. I stayed busy working and he didn't seem to be out of his office much, so I felt victory within my reach.

However, my bladder unfortunately interfered. After a 4:30 trip to the bathroom that just couldn't wait, I crossed paths with Pete.

"Hello," I said with a smile. Even though Pete is nice enough, I still feel intimidated by him and I felt particularly awkward around him that day. I tried my best to play it cool.

"Good afternoon," Pete replied, stopping in front of me. Well, I guess I wasn't going to just continue to my desk as planned.

"Um," I began, trying to fill the growing silence. "Thank you for the extra time during lunch. That was really nice of you."

"I was right, wasn't I?" Pete asked with his arrogant smile. I was unfortunately growing too familiar of that expression.

"Well, my boyfriend is in town." I smiled and tried to focus on maintaining good posture. Why did I have such a hard time talking to Pete like he was a normal person? Just because he is my supervisor and extremely attractive doesn't mean I need to lose my shit around him.

Pete's eyebrows went up. "Ah, so I was on the right path," he replied with a quick laugh. "Listen, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable this morning. I didn't mean to pry into your personal life. But I did want to let you know, you've been doing an amazing job. I'm really happy to have you here."

I felt a sense of relief. I was so glad Pete ended on that. What a great way to end your first two weeks at a new job!


  1. Haha, extremelyyyyyy. Thanks for the comment :)

  2. Isn't this a matchmaking company? It makes sense that he'd be able to guess she was seeing a guy or even had a boyfriend. At least, I think so.

  3. I really like Scott now. Before I was just "meh," but he's endeared himself to me. Most likely just in time for him to disappear! GAH!!!

    1. Haha, aw! I hope you continue to enjoy reading regardless of where the storyline goes :-p
