Friday, August 15, 2014

Atlantic City: Part Three

I stood frozen. I didn't feel that I could physically move. What was I seeing? I rubbed my eyes and looked again. I probably would've stood there, frozen, for hours, with my mouth hanging open like an idiot, if it weren't for the creepers in Atlantic City. A man in a shiny, silver shirt began trying to dance with me (or should I say, on me). I swatted at him and began walking away. I searched for Justin in the crowd. I needed to talk to him. How could Alan cheat on Jackie? Was this a regular thing? I mean, he had been drinking a lot, not that being drunk justified anything. Ugh, I had to find Justin!

Since Justin is about six feet tall, I luckily saw him making his way through the crowd after only a few minutes. When we were reunited, he leaned down, lightly squeezed my butt, and whispered in my ear. "So, where were?" I normally would've been ready to dance on him like a pole at that point, but seeing Alan with that girl really deflated my desires.

"I have to show you something," I said, grabbing his hand and guiding him through the crowd. But we couldn't find Sean or Alan. They must have relocated. I stomped my foot like a two-year-old. I needed Justin to see what I saw so we could figure out what to do.

"What?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me. I insisted he text Sean and Alan to see where they were. We continued to walk through the crowd looking for them while Justin waited for a response. It took about twenty minutes before Sean wrote back. They left and were playing roulette.

We left the club and made our way to the casino. "Okay, what is going on with you?" Justin impatiently asked once we escaped the loud music and were actually able to talk at a normal volume.

I let out a heavy sigh and tried to quickly brainstorm how to tell him what I saw. "Justin," I began. "I saw Sean and Alan in there. Sean was making out with a girl, while Alan was, well, nuzzling another girl." I stared up at him, trying to decipher his immediate reaction as my words soaked in.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, until he finally rubbed his forehead and spoke. "Wow, that really doesn't sound like Alan." I felt a little bit of relief. It still didn't make Alan's actions okay, but I was happy to know this wasn't a regular thing. I was also glad that Justin didn't seem to condone this type of behavior.

"Let's go find them and I'll talk to Alan," Justin said, grabbing my hand and walking me to the casino. We remained silent as we searched the roulette tables for Sean and Alan. When we found them, they weren't with any girls. I could barely plaster a smile on my face as Sean and Alan enthusiastically greeted us. I'm not normally an angry person, but I wanted to punch Alan in the face when I saw how happy he was.

I looked at my phone. It was well after two o'clock, and while in Atlantic City that didn't really constitute as late, I thought it might be best if I made my way back to the room.

I tugged on Justin's arms and told him I was going to head back. He let out a heavy sigh and nodded. It was clear that he knew what to do once I left.

When I got back to the room, Jackie was still sound asleep. I felt so bad for her. I put on my pajamas and snuggled up under the fresh sheets, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I put on the television, left it on mute, and tried to relax. I texted Justin and told him to give me a heads up when they were on their way back up.

About a half hour later, he told me they were in the elevator. I practically jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I rationalized that when they arrived back, I would ask Justin for some private time. A few minutes later, I heard them stumble into the room.

I successfully lured Justin into the bathroom. Once he was in, I turned around and ran the shower water so it would drown out our voices. "So, what happened?" I quietly asked.

Justin ran his hands over his face before looking me in the eyes and asking, "Are you sure you saw him kissing that girl?"

I stared at him. "What do you mean 'am I sure?'" Justin looked at me. His eyes pleaded for me to relax. I took a deep breathe and told him exactly what I had seen again. "So, I didn't see him making out with her, but I saw him, clear as day, kissing that girl on the neck."

"Clear as day? The club was pretty dark, Caroline."

I couldn't believe the exchange occurring.

"Can you get to the point?" I was getting annoyed at Justin's stalling.

He let out a heavy sigh before speaking. "Alan said he was just being a wing man," he finally said. "He said he was talking to a girl but they didn't do anything."

It took everything in me not to scream at Justin, even though this wasn't his fault. I now see why people say, "don't shoot the messenger."

"I know what I saw," I said through tight lips.

Justin looked at me with sad eyes. "I believe you, really. But can we just talk about everything tomorrow? We can get breakfast, alone, and figure it out."

I didn't want to accept that, but it really was too late to do anything else. I shut off the water and followed Justin out of the bathroom. I fell asleep cuddled up on Justin's chest, uneasy about what the next day would bring.


I naturally woke up around 7:30 the next morning. Ever since I started working regular 9 to 5 hours, my internal clock would not allow me to sleep in. It was super frustrating when I had nothing to do on a Saturday and I wanted to catch up on some sleep.

Anyway, this adaptation worked to my advantage that morning because I did not want to interact with Jackie and Alan. The thought of looking either of them in the face made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't look Jackie in the face without feeling guilty for not telling her what I saw and I couldn't look Alan in the face without wanting to scream at him.

I put my arms around Justin's waist, since he had shifted in his sleep and was no longer facing me. I began kissing his back and rubbing his arm. I wanted to wake him up but I was hoping it would feel like he woke up on his own.

He eventually shifted so he was on his back and while he seemed somewhat conscious, I knew it would still take a little while for him to open his eyes. I couldn't help myself, though. I could barely sleep last night with the anxiety of this entire situation. I mean, how was I supposed to drive home with this crowd? If I did tell Jackie, I had no idea how she would react and the car ride could be complete hell. But how could I not tell Jackie? I couldn't deal with the guilt of not letting this girl know the truth. Even though we had just met, I liked Jackie and if the tables were turned and she saw Justin kissing another girl, I really hope she would tell me.

I rubbed Justin's chest as I contemplated moving my hand lower to give him a real, 'Good Morning.' I decided to go simpler and began lightly kissing his neck. He quietly moaned and opened his eyes shortly after.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered to me before kissing me on the mouth.

"Ew, morning breathe," I joked.

"Speak for yourself, stinky."

We quietly giggled for a few seconds before I asked him if he would mind going to breakfast sooner rather than later because I really wanted to head out before anybody else woke up. "As much as I want to lay here with you for hours, I get why you want to head out," he said, peering over to the other bed where Alan and Jackie were laying. We both quietly crawled out of bed, grabbed clothes from our luggage, and tip toed into the bathroom to get ready. By 8:30, we were making our way outside onto the boardwalk. We quickly found a breakfast place with four dollar egg dishes and six dollar bellinis.

After we each ordered, I took a deep breathe before beginning the inevitable conversation. "Justin, I know you're in a tough spot. If Alan is saying one thing and I'm saying another, I can't imagine the kind of pressure this puts on you. I'm telling you, though, I saw Alan kiss that girl. It may not have been on the lips, but the way he kissed her neck was unacceptable. I don't know if I can face him or Jackie and not say something."

Justin remained silent and politely listened through my whole spiel. He stared off at the beach for a little before responding. "I'm going to talk to Alan again. I'll explain to him that either he has to tell Jackie or I will."

I smiled at Justin. "Thank you," I said, putting my hand on his. I changed the subject because frankly, I was tired of worrying about it. We got our food and had a really nice, relaxing breakfast before taking a walk on the boardwalk. This was the trip I had envisioned with Justin. It was unfortunate that we had to deal with all the problems last night, because it truly put a strain on the whole night. I couldn't help but wonder if Justin's friends would have negative feelings about me now. I figured it was better to risk having them dislike me than to let Jackie look like an idiot and be cheated on.

We didn't get back to the room until a little after 10 o'clock. Everyone was awake, but still in bed. Jackie was sitting up, drinking a water bottle. She looked like she had been hit by a truck.

"Hey, Caroline," she said to me with a weak smile. "Thank you so much for looking out for me last night."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alan looking down. Jackie didn't even know half of what she was thanking me for.

Everyone began getting out of bed and taking turns in the shower. The plan was to check out, put our bags away, and then enjoy Atlantic City for a little while longer before heading home. Justin managed to get Alan to follow him to a smoothie bar once we were in the casino. As I watched them walk away, I was really proud of Justin. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but he was doing the right thing. It was even more heart warming to know that he was doing it for me.

Sean, Jackie, and I played some slots for a little bit while Justin and Alan "got smoothies." I nervously tapped my foot until they returned. They both looked exhausted.

Justin kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear. "He's going to tell her when we get home. He doesn't want to ruin the rest of the trip."

I wasn't super pleased with that resolution, but I understood it was more logical. It would be much better for them to sit down and discuss things in private. I tried to enjoy the rest of the trip before we departed for Long Island around 3 o'clock.


  1. good for Caroline for standing up for what she saw. i hope Jackie doesn't get pissed at the wrong person when she finds out

    1. I hope not either! It's tough because we really don't know much about Jackie's personality or character.

  2. If Jackie gets pissed at her for not saying anything, then she's a fool. Caroline is giving Alan the chance to man up first, because HE should be the one to tell her. And Caroline is new to the group, and in a tight spot. She did what she should have. She had enough respect to get her boyfriend to deal with his friends, instead of standing in and looking like a troublemaker. I'm pretty sure Jackie will understand.

    1. It's definitely better for her to stay out of it. These aren't her friends and she just started dating Justin! Thanks for your input :)

  3. Such high school drama. I was expecting something different not Caroline putting pressure on Justin to get Alan to fess up. What happened on the car ride back? Three posts on Atlantic City and I feel let down. You wouldn't believe the drama that happened and this is what we get. What of Caroline was wrong? Dark club, maybe she was seeing things. How could she see so clearly that Alan was kissing another woman's neck. Her reaction is over the top. She's acting as though she caught Alan having sex and cheating on his wife.

    1. I'm sorry you were disappointed by this week's posts. There will be more about Atlantic City, but I didn't want it dragging on for too long and I like to keep a consistent length on my posts. (That's why I split all of it into four posts! This post is technically a 'double post' for me).

      You bring up a good point about the story. Since this is first person point of view, Caroline's perspective is that Alan definitely cheated, but what if he didn't and the story was told from his perspective? I think that's the great thing about story telling. Everyone can have different takes on it!

      I'm sorry if you think these posts seem like 'high school drama.' While some people may think Alan's actions were innocent enough, I think that's for Jackie to decide. Maybe she won't care, but I'd personally like to know if my boyfriend did that.

      I hope you enjoy future posts! Thanks for reading :)

    2. Inspiration for my own blog here. Lol Cheating it cheating. Doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend or a wife, kissing or sex. Of course having sex and cheating on your wife is worse, but still.
      If my husband had kissed some girl when we were dating, I would have been pissed. It makes me crazy when people are all "It was just a kiss, it's not like they had sex" or "It's not like they're married, he can do what he wants". I'm getting worked up. Let me do some school work and I'll check back later :P

    3. What if they have an open relationship? What if it's not a big deal? What if Caroline is making a mountain or of a molehill. Acting like she just witnessed the worst thing ever was over the top and shows her level of immaturity. Putting Justin in the position of having to choose between her and Alan is ridiculous. Grow up and stop being involved in things that don't concern you. Instead of 4 posts you could've wrapped it up in two without all the filler.

    4. I'm pretty sure they don't have an open relationship and that it is a big deal. Otherwise Alan would have said "Hey, no big deal. We have an open relationship" instead of saying he would tell her after the trip so as not to ruin it. I don't think there is anything wrong with Caroline saying something to Justin. It would have been worse to blab it to Jackie on her own. THAT would have been meddling in things that don't involve her. AGH! Let's agree to disagree.
      Can I ask how old you are though anonymous? It's the one thing I always wonder about people who choose the anonymous option.

    5. Hi Alicia, I'm 25. Sometimes relationships aren't cut and dry. We don't know for a fact if Alan actually said he'll tell her when they get back or if Justin said that to shut Caroline up. My point is sometimes we jump to conclusions that are off. It's possible that in a crowded dark club Caroline could be mistaken. I feel that she's stirring the pot. Jackie isn't her friend and she doesn't know the dynamics of their relationship. If this was her friend I would understand her rationale. I'm guessing this isn't going to turn out well after and Justin will be forced to choose either Caroline or his friends.

    6. Alicia - Don't get worked up! Haha, I don't like to see drama in any comments section, more specifically my own! I think you hold the majority opinion but there are some people who may feel different. Thank you so much for your comments!

      Anonymous - I'm sorry you don't agree with Caroline's actions! I think it's fair to say it's a tough situation for everyone involved. I honestly think Justin has it the worst. I'm also surprised you thought these posts were at least half "filler" because I actually felt everything was necessary! I felt the car ride home would have been "filler." (Ever take a long car ride home after a vacation with friends? Mine have mostly been quiet or filled with retelling of the stories of the weekend).

      I truly appreciate your opinion, though! I hope you enjoy future posts :).

  4. Another great post! I commend Justin for confronting his friend, because a lot of guys wouldn't do that. But i'm curious to see where this goes and if they won't like Caroline because of it.

    1. Thank you for the comment! Things are going so well with Justin, we'll have to see if this influences their relationship.

  5. I wonder how awkward the ride home was. I hate that Caroline put Justin in such a position. She should've confronted Allan when she saw him instead of making this huge.

    1. It's interesting to me that people feel this way! I think it would've been more awkward for Justin to have his girlfriend and friend fighting with him in the middle. By not confronting Alan, she avoided a huge scene.

      Of course, thank you for your comment! I love all your feedback :)

  6. I liked that Caroline wanted Alan to tell Jackie what he did. I feel for Justin. Who does he believe or side with, his girlfriend of month or his childhood friend? Maybe Caroline should've taken a pic of Alan and the girl so there wasn't any doubt. I understand where the other posters are coming from. Without solid proof Jackie will probably not believe Caroline. Alan can always say that Caroline is making it up. It's a difficult situation. Plus she's putting Justin smack dab in the middle. Whether she confronted Alan or got Justin to, she'll still come off as a troublemaker to his friends. To play devil's advocate, what if Caroline mistook someone else for Alan? Also, Sean was making out with a blonde girl, where was she and the woman Alan was kissing 20 minutes later? Did they just vanish into thin air?

    1. We don't know where the girls went and we may find out more in the future but it may just be a detail that's not discussed. If the guys wanted to go to the casino, they may have told the girls they'd meet up later or left with their phone numbers. Lots of possibilities in atlantic city!

  7. I really like Caroline with Justin!!

    1. I think they've definitely gotten into a good groove. Thank you for your comment :)
