Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gobble, Gobble

Scott and I met outside a hibachi restaurant near his house on Tuesday night. He looked so hot in his button down light purple shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. Every time I saw him, I felt like I was growing more and more physically attracted to him. When we first met, I thought he was just kind of average looking, but he was so well put together whenever we hung out, not to mention that I was probably growing attached.

Scott pulled me in for a hug and didn't say anything as he held on for longer than usual. I was enjoying it, but also a little curious. When I pulled away, I gave me an endearing look and sweetly asked, "what was that for?"

Scott shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "I don't know. I missed you this weekend." He looked away from me as he finished that sentence, as if he was nervous to see my reaction.

I decided to take a bit of a leap. I leaned forward and put my arms around his neck, making him look at me. "I missed you, too," I replied. As if I wasn't confused enough about the status of our relationship.

Once we got into the restaurant, Scott gave his last name to the hostess. Of course he made a reservation like a responsible adult.

We sat at the end of one of the tables. There was a group of young girls at the other end of the table and they began giggling at the site of Scott. Is it sad that it made me feel super cool that those girls were probably jealous of my hot boyfriend. They were definitely still at the age where they had no idea how complicated relationships could be. People were practically boyfriend and girlfriend by just looking at each other in a certain way.

While I joke about this a lot, I really wasn't too concerned with Scott and I labeling anything. I enjoyed getting to know him and I didn't need anything more than that. I was still curious about the "girlfriend" comment he made to his sister, though.

The hibachi dinner was really fun, but it wasn't really conducive to having a conversation. While waiting for our drinks and the chef to come by, Scott told me a little bit about the guys who went to Atlantic City that I hadn't met and let me know that he won over a hundred dollars on roulette. "I basically came out even for the trip, which was awesome."

"I'm so unlucky," I replied rolling my eyes. "It's like the roulette table is designed to work against me."

Scott placed his hand on my knee and squeezed it tight. "I'm sure that's not true," he whispered.

I smiled at him, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and began to blush as I heard our table mates begin to giggle.

We didn't get to talk much more over dinner and I was kind of disappointed, but he had a lot of work to catch up on, between taking off the Friday before and the short work week, and I had multiple papers I had to start. Besides, we planned on going Black Friday shopping with Martin and Anna. So, we went our separate ways. As he kissed me goodbye near my car, something felt different. It was more romantic and I figured I must've really missed him. He was only away the one weekend. What's wrong with me?

Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. My mom cooked a turkey and we had a few members of my extended family over. I got a text from Scott around 4 that afternoon. "Happy Thanksgiving! I think I gained five pounds :("

"Ugh, me too," I replied.

"Well, I'm sure you still look amazing ;)" I hate to sound dramatic, but his affectionate text messages were actually making me a little curious. He seemed kind of different since he returned from Atlantic City. He seemed, I don't know, suave.

Darlene texted Jessica, Anna, and I around 7. "Holy shit... My mom bought way too much wine. Do you girls want to come over and help me kill a bottle or two?"

Jessica immediately wrote back that she'd love to. I decided it couldn't hurt to stop by, but told them I was going to leave early since Scott and I were shopping early the next day.

Anna didn't respond for about a half hour and I was just on my way out the door when I read it. "Hey! Sorry, I'm not feeling well :( I'm going to pass."

I hoped she just overate on turkey day and wasn't going to bail on me the next day. Scott and I both agreed that we weren't that into the Black Friday shopping, but Martin was. He was actually going at midnight on Thanksgiving to get some electronics, but also going to the mall with us around 10 for clothing.

I chatted with Darlene and Jessica for a little around Darlene's dining room table. Jessica began working out at this new gym and was apparently falling into a flirtatious groove with a personal trainer there. "He's so hot. I swear I just want to stare at him shirtless for hours," she gushed as she finished off her first glass of wine.

"I need to get in shape," Darlene said throwing her hands up in a dramatic fashion. "At the very least, maybe I can get a boyfriend out of it."

"Maybe I can set you up with one of Scott's friends," I said, hoping I didn't come off as too obsessed.

"You better," she replied. "Maybe he can bring someone to your birthday! By the way, what do you want to do?"

Wow, I had so much on my plate that I had completely forgotten that my birthday was in two weeks. I had to think of something really fun to do to celebrate. But what would I plan?


  1. Scott is acting a little different, but I like that he's being more forthcoming with his emotional side. Doesn't really help the confusion though, lol.

    1. Yes, but I think we're moving in the right direction!

  2. had my hopes up for nothing, you missed the last post and now give us this? short with nothing really happening....
    I know it can be difficult to do this writing in your spare time but if you are going to do it then you should wait until you have the time to write a decent post

    1. Oh come on, and get off your belittling high horse! She does this for free and in her spare time. So relax and enjoy her post, because there are plenty people who actually love reading these blogs. Unlike you trolls out there that bring author's down. You ruin things for the rest of us because posts don't live up to your standards. smdh

    2. I think it was great and shows us a little more about Scott. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Not ever post can be mind blowing.

    3. Anonymous #1 - I'm sorry that you were disappointed, but this did act as a kind of catch up/set up post for me, so it wasn't meant to be super exciting. However, this wasn't shorter than my other posts and if I don't stick with my schedule (even when I don't feel like writing), I would never feel like my posts are good enough.

      If you prefer to have more exciting content and you think I shouldn't post when I don't have a good enough post, maybe you could read several posts every few weeks. Again, I try my best.

      Anonymous #2 - Thank you for defending me! I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)

      Meghan - Thank you! Like I said, this was kind of a set up post. I think there's some fun reading ahead :)

    4. I think it's easy for readers to sometimes underestimate how much work it takes to write an ongoing storyline. Each post can't be a home run with some major event taking place, there has to be transition posts along the way. I think this was a good post and it left me wondering if there is something else going on than what meets the eye with Anna.

    5. Thank you, Jocelyn! I understand people want excitement, but I've read on many comments on other blogs about storylines being too "unrealistic" also. My goal going into this blog was to show a normal, even boring at times, girl. Even so, some people used to comment that Caroline was "always getting hit on." It's definitely more difficult than people realize. Thanks again for understanding (since you blog, also)!

  3. I enjoyed the post! Kind of have a bad feeling about Anna... and Scott maybe?

    1. Something might be going on with those other characters. We'll have to see!

  4. I'm not sure how I feel about Scott. he still feels like an enigma to me.

    1. Yeah, we'll find out more about him, though!

  5. Can't wait for the next post! I'm very curious as to what's coming next!

  6. I love your writing. Don't worry about late or short posts. We appreciate your work. People just need to chill, eh! :)

    1. Thank you, Jacalyn! I'm glad you enjoy :)
